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Sørengkaia 104, 0194 Oslo




Time to Become


Laying the Foundation


Excellence-Level Life Skills

By Miriam Segal



Now is your chance to

break through your barriers

and learn to defy whatever

gets in your way!

To defy: to confront, to resist,
to withstand, to challenge

UNDEFIABLE: cannot be defied

UNDEFIABLE Objectives and Outcomes

Aims of the Course

UNDEFIABLE aims at enhancing your own personal strengths and talents while grounding you as a force to be reckoned with both personally and professionally.

Just for you

UNDEFIABLE is designed for people in all walks of life who wish to experience improved well-being and adeptness at managing life’s many challenges.

Through a combination of carefully constructed modules, theory, and exercises, you will learn to build a solid relationship with yourself as well as become more present to others and their needs and experiences. You will learn to stand strong in the face of adversity and increase your ability to meet challenges with both elegance and power, as needed. You will learn to be fearless, and to not be overwhelmed by fear, but allow it to wash over you without becoming entangled in it, no longer needing to react to situations that previously may have triggered you.


When you book a session, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. Please also familiarize yourself with the general information.

NB! For insurance purposes, healing and readings are considered entertainment.

Book a Reading / Healing

Psychic Mediumship Reading and Healing, Channeling, Past Lives, Business Coaching

Remote Energy Healing, Silent Counselling® Rapid Energy Release,

Grounding / Stabilizing

A 90-minute session for the price of a 45-minute session until 30 Sept 2024!

Card Reading

Oracle Card Reading, Intuit Guidance, Life / Transformational / Business Coaching

45 or 90 minutes


Remote Energy Healing, Silent Counselling® Rapid Energy Release,

Grounding / Stabilizing

45 or 90 minutes



Greater clarity and insights.

Peace of


Higher perspective, deeper connection.



Healing wounds on several levels.

Safety and


Ethical spiritual guidance.

Logistics & Registration


Online Course

UNDEFIABLE is a 12-week online course. You can choose from three versions:

  • Self-study

  • VIP which includes live group sessions

  • INTENSIVE tailor-made version with live 1-1 calls


UNDEFIABLE is the foundational course in the 12-month program BECOMING INVINCIBLE, a program made up of three courses which build on each other.


UNDEFIABLE is a bonus course on the CEA Method™ Practitioner’s Training Program, a 12-month program designed to teach qualified practitioners an excellence-level skill set to create opportunities for greater transformation for yourself and your clients in a shorter and less painful amount of time.


  • Unattachment: staying present and noticing

  • Nobody's Stopping Me!: eye on the prize

  • Destination: reality alignment and clear intention

  • Expectations: planned resentments or possibilities?

  • Fantasy v. Imagination: building bridges between realities

  • Installation: anchoring the positive

  • Allowing & Accepting: what is, is

  • Bracketing: perception, perspective, predictions, and projections

  • Light & Dark Paths: discerning your future

  • Empowerment: building your resilience and mastery muscles

I want to be UNDEFIABLE!

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of UNDEFIABLE, you should have


become familiar with and be able to utilize techniques aimed at your mastery of essential skills, helping you to navigate your personal life as well as your professional conduct during your sessions with clients


an increased understanding of objectivity, integrity, and your personal and professional responsibility


an increased ability to critically examine your own attitudes, assumptions, judgments, preconceived ideas, interpretations etc, and to suspend and transcend them in order to be present to what is arising in any given moment


an increased ability to notice what is, and to be and stay present to what is


an expanded comfort zone or window of tolerance


an increased ability to stay focused, and to regain focus when knocked off kilter or overwhelmed


an increased understanding and sense of play and imagination


an increased ability to trust yourself, and consequently, to trust others


a clearer understanding and experience of the difference between feeling, thinking, doing, and being


increased confidence in yourself, your abilities, and your undefiability


Target Group

UNDEFIABLE is designed for people in all walks of life who wish to experience improved well-being and adeptness at managing life’s many challenges. It is also aimed at qualified practitioners, and those who wish to pursue careers as practitioners, in the field of human services, such as coaches, counsellors, consultants, advisors, healers, mentors, psychotherapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists, who aspire to become highly skilled and deliver excellence-level services.


Years of Experience


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Our Team Members

Book a Maataphysics Reading / Healing


When you book a session, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. Please also familiarize yourself with the general information.
To book individual sessions, please check the calendar for availability. If you don't find an available slot that suits, you can contact me (see below for contact information) to find another option.

If you would like an on-site session, please contact me at contact(a)

NB! For insurance purposes, healing and readings are considered entertainment.


Psychic Mediumship Reading and Healing, Channeling, Past Lives, Business Coaching

45 or 90 minutes

Card Reading

Oracle Card Reading, Intuit Guidance, Life / Transformational / Business Coaching

45 or 90 minutes


Remote Energy Healing, Silent Counselling® Rapid Energy Release,

Grounding / Stabilizing

45 or 90 minutes

Modules - What You Will Learn

(as long as you do the work, of course)



This module is designed to train the essential skill “laser focus.” Laser focus enables you to notice what’s going on around you without getting distracted.


Nobody's Stopping Me!

This module is designed to train the essential skill "unwavering." Unwavering implies being able to stand your ground with flexibility.



The essential skill focused on in this module is "clarity." Clarity implies having self-insight and having a clear goal and path.



The essential skill you will train in this module is "presence." Being present involves being with what is without resistance, assumptions or judgments.


Fantasy v. Imagination

This module is designed to train the essential skills “spontaneity" and “play.” These skills are necessary in order to be able to envision and enact plans.



"Focus" is the essential skill you will develop in this module. Focus enables you to remain within your comfort zone and be with your experience.


Allowing & Accepting

The essential skills "trust" and "inner fortitude" are the focus of this module. They contribute to your experience of mastering your world.



The essential skills you will train in this module are “effortless objectivity,“ “ownership,“and “integrity.“ These skills are imperative, if you are to remain objective and avoid unnecessary influence.


Light & Dark Paths

This module is designed to train the essential skill "clear sightedness.” Clear-sightedness as a skill can seem misleading, as it implies more than just envisioning, in this course.



The final essential skill you will train in this course is "undefiability." This skill encompasses self-mastery, resilience, and the ability to defy challenges.

Self-Care and Responsibility

The information and exercises presented in UNDEFIABLE are there to support you in your transformation. It is your responsibility to follow the program and allow the changes to take place. While certain outcomes are difficult to predict, if you do the work, you should see improvements.

The guidance and information in this course is not a replacement for advice, programs, or treatment provided by licensed medical, psychological, legal, financial or business professionals. It is highly recommended that you make use of therapy, coaching or another human service, as needed. Change may feel uncomfortable and challenging, and it can be comforting to know you can contact someone you trust to support you and help you through.

When you sign up for UNDEFIABLE, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. Please also familiarize yourself with the general information.

Thank you!

Congratulations on taking the steps needed to create an UNDEFIABLE you. I'm looking forward to supporting you on this journey. See you on the inside!


If you or someone you know needs physical or mental health support, the following services are available (in Norway):

  • Legevakten i Oslo, Trondheimsveien 233. Ved sykdom, ring 116 117. Døgnåpent (kl. 00:00-24:00). Ved fare for liv og helse, ring 113.

  • Psykiatrisk legevakt, oppmøte Legevakten i Oslo, Trondheimsveien 233. Åpningstider hverdager kl. 16:00-22:00, helger/helligdager kl. 12:00-20:00. Sentralbord: 915 02 770, publikumslinje: 116 117. Ved akuttfare for selvmord, ring 113 umiddelbart.

  • Psykososial akuttjeneste, akutt hjelp til personer som har opplevd kriser, vold eller er i en vanskelig livssituasjon, inklusiv brå død, selvmord, ulykker og katastrofer. Telefon 23 04 05 00. Ved akuttfare for selvmord, ring 113 umiddelbart.

  • Overgrepsmottaket for deg som har vært utsatt for voldtekt eller annet seksuelt overgrep. Telefon 23 04 05 00. Ved akuttfare for selvmord, ring 113 umiddelbart.

  • Diverse hjelpetelefoner mm. Ved akuttfare for selvmord, ring 113 umiddelbart.

Centre for Mastery and Excellence

Sørengkaia 104

0194 Oslo, Norway

Postal Address:
P.O. Box 3311 Sørenga,

0140 Oslo, Norway

contact (a)

+47-411 50 595

Public Transport:
Bus 85 to Sørenga
Tram 13 or 19 to Bjørvika
Bus 81 to Bjørvika

Walking distance from Oslo S

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