This is your moment.
If you're seeking answers, guidance, relief, or a breakthrough, this is your invitation to step into a new realm of possibilities.
I hid my gifts for decades, fearing the power they held. But I realised that by keeping them hidden, I was withholding the support and guidance that could change lives—including yours.
So, I came out of the closet and proudly share my abilities with those who are ready to experience the extraordinary.
A one-to-one session with me can be the catalyst for profound change—if you're ready to embrace the magic.
During a session with me, you can experience profound shifts, deep healing, and transformative insights like never before.
Psychic, Medium, and Master Teacher
Every session is uniquely yours.
Whether you have specific intentions or prefer to let the magic unfold naturally, our time together is designed to deliver exactly what you need.
Here’s a glimpse of what awaits you:
Together we will focus on uncovering and resolving the hidden issues that have been holding you back from being your most empowered self now, and help you activate:
Abundance & Prosperity:
Break through barriers in wealth, finance, and business, without working harder, but smarter.
True Self Discovery:
Move from confusion and misalignment to clarity and purpose, and easily find your life purpose, your true calling, and unlock the magic within you.
Health & Well-Being:
Discover the root causes of physical and emotional challenges and improve your health by shifting your energy & mindset.
Channelled Wisdom:
Receive powerful, life-changing guidance tailored just for you to uplevel any area of your life fast.
Connect with loved ones who have passed, bringing comfort, clarity, and closure.
Energy Healing:
Experience energetic shifts for yourself or even for individuals in spirit, including healing your future timeline, so that you stop repeating limiting patterns stopping you from achieving your goals.
Relationship Harmony:
Gain insight into love, friendships, family, and work dynamics, to make them the most divine & loving unions.
Activate Psychic Gifts:
Awaken and harness your hidden abilities, that can increase your creative & manifesting abilities.
Most importantly, you will leave with ‘The How’ - a Personal Action Plan and a tailored roadmap for your life’s next steps.
Book a Reading / Healing
Psychic Mediumship Reading and Healing, Channeling, Past Lives, Business Coaching
Remote Energy Healing, Silent Counselling® Rapid Energy Release,
Grounding / Stabilizing
A 90-minute session for the price of a 45-minute session until 30 Sept 2024!
Card Reading
Oracle Card Reading, Intuit Guidance, Life / Transformational / Business Coaching
45 or 90 minutes
Remote Energy Healing, Silent Counselling® Rapid Energy Release,
Grounding / Stabilizing
45 or 90 minutes
Greater clarity and insights.
Peace of
Higher perspective, deeper connection.
Healing wounds on several levels.
Safety and
Ethical spiritual guidance.
Home and Away
Video Conferencing
Sessions are conducted via Zoom unless otherwise arranged. A Zoom link with password will be sent to you by encrypted email a few minutes before the session at the latest. With the exception of Remote Energy Healing sessions, sessions will be recorded unless otherwise agreed.
Age Limit
You must be 18 years of age or older in order to receive a reading from me.
C. Hannah
Our time together is a dynamic journey. I begin by connecting with you to understand your needs and set an intention for the session. From there, I dive into a flow where anything can happen:
Intuitive Insights: I see, hear, feel, and know things beyond the physical realm.
Spirit Connection: Loved ones in spirit may join us, offering their messages.
Healing Energy: Healing may be activated, or I may channel information tailored for you.
True Identity Connection: I connect with you at the level of your true essence, revealing your divinity and inner power.
Each session is designed to bring you joy, freedom, clarity, and peace.
Boundaries I Honour
Consent is Key: I will never read or heal without consent. This also means I don't perform readings or healing on individuals not present during the session.
Age and Grieving Process: I do not read for those under 18 or those in spirit who have passed within a year of the reading in order to respect the grieving process.
Years of Experience
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Our Team Members
Book a Maataphysics Reading / Healing
Psychic Mediumship Reading and Healing, Channeling, Past Lives, Business Coaching
45 or 90 minutes
Card Reading
Oracle Card Reading, Intuit Guidance, Life / Transformational / Business Coaching
45 or 90 minutes
Remote Energy Healing, Silent Counselling® Rapid Energy Release,
Grounding / Stabilizing
45 or 90 minutes
I am a transformational life coach, psychic medium, healer, licensed psychotherapist, licensed music therapist, and certified vocal coach (More about me). All of those ingredients together make a powerful spicy sauce! My purpose is to help you break free from what's holding you back, align with your True Self, ignite your inner power, and take action toward the life you desire. Together, we will create a path to clarity, confidence, and your "dream-come-true" life.
The transmission of healing energies, and the guidance and information that comes through in a reading / healing are not a replacement for advice, programs, or treatment provided by licensed medical, psychological, legal, financial or business professionals. I do not offer guarantees or imply warranties regarding the accuracy or outcomes of any information provided. You have free will and are solely responsible for your interpretations, decisions, and actions based on the energies, insights or guidance received.
For insurance purposes, readings and healing are considered entertainment.
When you book a session, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. Please also familiarize yourself with the general information, and more information about readings and healing sessions.
When you recognize that there is a voice in your head that pretends to be you and never stops speaking, you are awakening out of your unconscious identification with the stream of thinking. When you notice that voice, you realize that who you are is not the voice - the thinker - but the one who is aware of it.
Eckhart Tolle,
stillness speaks, p. 29
When you're feeling unwell, remember that the same power that actually made your body knows how to restore it to its original state of well-being. All you have to do is remove the obstacles erected by you and your toxic world, and allow this healing power to flow through you.
Dr. wayne dyer,
Since the tapestry of all time has already been woven,
everything I could ever want to happen in my life already exists in that infinite, nonphysical plane. My only task is to expand my earthly self enough to let it into this realm. So if there's something I desire, the idea isn't to go out and get it, but to expand my own consciousness to allow universal energy to bring it into my reality here.
anita moorjani,
dying to be me, p. 161
Legevakten i Oslo, Trondheimsveien 233. Ved sykdom, ring 116 117. Døgnåpent (kl. 00:00-24:00). Ved fare for liv og helse, ring 113.
Psykiatrisk legevakt, oppmøte Legevakten i Oslo, Trondheimsveien 233. Åpningstider hverdager kl. 16:00-22:00, helger/helligdager kl. 12:00-20:00. Sentralbord: 915 02 770, publikumslinje: 116 117. Ved akuttfare for selvmord, ring 113 umiddelbart.
Psykososial akuttjeneste, akutt hjelp til personer som har opplevd kriser, vold eller er i en vanskelig livssituasjon, inklusiv brå død, selvmord, ulykker og katastrofer. Telefon 23 04 05 00. Ved akuttfare for selvmord, ring 113 umiddelbart.
Overgrepsmottaket for deg som har vært utsatt for voldtekt eller annet seksuelt overgrep. Telefon 23 04 05 00. Ved akuttfare for selvmord, ring 113 umiddelbart.
Diverse hjelpetelefoner mm. Ved akuttfare for selvmord, ring 113 umiddelbart.
Sørengkaia 104
0194 Oslo, Norway
Postal Address:
P.O. Box 3311 Sørenga,
0140 Oslo, Norway
contact (a)
+47-411 50 595
Public Transport:
Bus 85 to Sørenga
Tram 13 or 19 to Bjørvika
Bus 81 to Bjørvika
Walking distance from Oslo S
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