Therapeutic Psychic and Mediumship Readings & Healing
Photo by Color Crescent on Unsplash
I’m one of those people who was «born this way.» As a kid, I thought everybody was like me, but I learned the hard way that they were not. So I hid it all as best I could until I realized there is nothing wrong with me, and that what I have is a gift. I chose to deepen my knowledge and broaden my skills by training at various schools, most recently the Psychic Mediumship College whose ethical standards I resonate with and adhere to.
I’m not a fortune teller, and I’ll tell you why that’s a good thing: Because if you want to know when you’re going to meet your soul mate, earn your first million, or whatever you might want to know, and I see «never,» that’s likely not what you want or expect to hear. And it basically gives you the impression that you have no options, and no hope. But predictive reading - seeing the future - isn’t carved in stone. Which means you do have options. Isn’t that great?
If you’re really looking for solutions, wouldn’t you rather get clarity around what’s in the way of your meeting your soul mate, making your first million or whatever it is you want? Wouldn’t you rather discover what actionable steps you need to take or what you need to let go of, so that you can live the life you desire?
My readings tend to be deeply therapeutic and aim to empower. With a rich background in various psychotherapy disciplines—including conscious communication, expressive arts, intermodal psychodrama, music therapy, and hypnotherapy—along with coaching and teaching, I bring a comprehensive skill set to each session. My expertise supports and enriches the guidance provided during readings. Additionally, these sessions are often accompanied by healing energy, enhancing the therapeutic experience. The primary goal is to empower you, helping you to unlock your own strength and navigate your journey with confidence. This approach is designed to support self-empowerment and personal growth.
Examples of themes that may be addressed in a reading are unresolved conflicts, troublesome areas of your life, obstacles to success in your business, new perspectives on old challenges, hidden talents or opportunities, life purpose, health issues, past trauma, and more. Having said that, there is no guarantee that the problem you may be looking to solve is the one that shows up in a reading. One reason for this may be that the problem is actually serving as a distraction for something more deep-seated that needs to be attended to first.
Sometimes people who have passed on (spirit) will appear unexpectedly in a psychic reading. This is not something I control. Like in everyday life, people either choose to come forward and talk to you or not. Therefore, I can’t guarantee who or what will show up in a reading.
Readings are generally conducted remotely, e.g. via a video consultation. You can choose between sessions of either 45 or 90 minutes' duration, in English or Norwegian. Sessions will be recorded unless otherwise stipulated.
Book a Maataphysics Reading / Healing
Psychic Mediumship Reading and Healing, Channeling, Past Lives, Business Coaching
45 or 90 minutes
Card Reading
Oracle Card Reading, Intuit Guidance, Life / Transformational / Business Coaching
45 or 90 minutes
Remote Energy Healing, Silent Counselling® Rapid Energy Release,
Grounding / Stabilizing
45 or 90 minutes
The Divine Ma'at
Ma’at is the ancient Egyptian goddess of truth, justice, cosmic order, harmony, and balance, as well as ‘right attitude.’ In addition to being a goddess, Ma'at was understood to be a universal principle underpinning all of the other deities. It was the foundation of Egyptian society. If a person lived their life according to the will of the gods and in harmony with other people and the earth, then that person would be said to be living according to Ma'at. Ma'at exerted her harmonizing influence over the stars and planets, the seasons and weather, and the actions of humans and gods.
Photo by Anahit Khalatyan on Unsplash
Greater clarity and insights.
Peace of
Higher perspective, deeper connection.
Healing wounds on several levels.
Safety and
Ethical spiritual guidance.
Do you want to know everything?
I ask you this question at the start of a reading, because the reading is for you. You decide whether or not you want to hear information or receive healing energy that may come through during a reading.
Video Conferencing
Sessions are conducted via Zoom unless otherwise arranged. A Zoom link with password will be sent to you by encrypted email a few minutes before the session at the latest. With the exception of Remote Energy Healing sessions, sessions will be recorded unless otherwise agreed.
Setting the Intention
At the beginning of a reading, I set the intention that the reading be for the highest good of all involved. I aim to be as clear and accurate as possible, and to communicate the information that comes through in a caring and compassionate way.
Age Limit
You must be 18 years of age or older in order to receive a reading from me.
A reading / healing is for you. I keep your information confidential and only disclose information with your consent. The exception to this is when there is a real and imminent threat of harm to you or others, where this threat can not be diffused or resolved without a breach of confidentiality. Confidentiality also applies to another living person about whom you may be curious, and who is not present during the reading. I do not disclose information about them to you or anyone else without their consent, even if information about them comes through during a reading with you.
C. Hannah
A healing session is a collaboration between you and me. It is a way to get around all the "mind chatter" and work with your innate knowledge, resources, biology, energy, and self-healing abilities with the intention of helping you to remember who you really are, and to support your restoration and balance and the restoration and balance of your body's energy and cells to your true essence and vitality.
Energy medicine therapy has been used to treat various health conditions. There are several approaches to energy medicine, such as hands-on, hands-off, and distant healing, where the healer and client are in different locations. [Approaches to Understanding Breast Cancer, Ramadevi Subramani, Rajkumar Lakshmanaswamy, in Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science , 2017]
Energy medicine includes all energetic and informational interactions resulting from self-regulation or brought about through other energy linkages to mind and body. In addition to various therapeutic energies which we may use, there are also energy pulses from the environment which influence humans and animals in a variety of ways. For instance, low-level changes in magnetic, electric, electromagnetic, acoustic, and gravitational fields often have profound effects on both biology and psychology. In addition to energies originating in the environment, it has been documented that humans are capable of generating and controlling subtle, not-yet-measurable energies that seem to influence both physiological and physical mechanisms. [Review of Pertinent Anatomy and Physiology, Sandy Fritz MS, NCTMB, ... Glenn M. Hymel EdD, LMT, in Clinical Massage in the Healthcare Setting , 2008]
Remote energy healing sessions may deal with tensions and blockages in the body. Healing sessions can lead to deep relaxation, which can create better flow in communication between the head (cranium), the sacrum/pelvis and the coccyx. An improved flow can affect the whole body: the central nervous system, connective tissue, bone structure, meridians, and organs. The intention of a remote energy healing session may be to relieve mental and emotional ailments, stress and tension, pain, and symptoms related to trauma. It may also support the processing of trauma, personal development and grounding, and the integration of processes and new learning.
Remote energy healing sessions are conducted remotely, e.g. via a video consultation. Sessions are 45 minutes long, in English or Norwegian. Sessions are not recorded.
Silent Counselling®
If you’d like to know more about Silent Counselling® Rapid Energy Release, see click here.
NB! If you would like on-site healing, contact me directly by email to set up a session.
Metaphysics is a division of philosophy that is concerned with the fundamental nature of reality and being and that includes ontology, cosmology, and often epistemology. It is the study of what is outside objective experience, e.g. the nature and origin of reality itself, of the immortal soul, of the existence of a supernatural or supreme being, and of how mind and body relate.
Years of Experience
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Book a Maataphysics Reading / Healing
Psychic Mediumship Reading and Healing, Channeling, Past Lives, Business Coaching
45 or 90 minutes
Card Reading
Oracle Card Reading, Intuit Guidance, Life / Transformational / Business Coaching
45 or 90 minutes
Remote Energy Healing, Silent Counselling® Rapid Energy Release,
Grounding / Stabilizing
45 or 90 minutes
When you recognize that there is a voice in your head that pretends to be you and never stops speaking, you are awakening out of your unconscious identification with the stream of thinking. When you notice that voice, you realize that who you are is not the voice - the thinker - but the one who is aware of it.
Eckhart Tolle,
stillness speaks, p. 29
When you're feeling unwell, remember that the same power that actually made your body knows how to restore it to its original state of well-being. All you have to do is remove the obstacles erected by you and your toxic world, and allow this healing power to flow through you.
Dr. wayne dyer,
Since the tapestry of all time has already been woven,
everything I could ever want to happen in my life already exists in that infinite, nonphysical plane. My only task is to expand my earthly self enough to let it into this realm. So if there's something I desire, the idea isn't to go out and get it, but to expand my own consciousness to allow universal energy to bring it into my reality here.
anita moorjani,
dying to be me, p. 161
Reading / Healing
I will communicate the information that comes through in a reading in as clear and concise a way as possible. You may not always resonate with or see the significance of the information; however, my responsibility is to inform you of what is coming through. The information will be relevant at the time of the reading. To clarify: your future is governed by your choices and decisions, and these can impact the outcomes after the reading has concluded. My intention for readings is that all information brought forward be for the highest good of all involved; however, nothing is carved in stone. If information new to you comes through in a reading, you may choose another course of action based on that information, just as you would in life in general. You have free will, and your life choices may then take you in a different direction than the one(s) laid out in the reading. Similarly, we cannot always decide outcomes; there may be something you are meant to learn from a particular situation, so even though you make changes, you end up where you're meant to be.
Remote Energy Healing
A remote energy healing session is for you. I am responsible for transmitting healing energies as they arise during the session; however, there is no possibility of your receiving more energy than you are willing to receive. You can stop a session at any time. You are responsible for informing me of any discomfort or unease you experience during the session, and you are welcome to ask questions.
The transmission of healing energies, and the guidance and information that comes through in a reading / healing are not a replacement for advice, programs, or treatment provided by licensed medical, psychological, legal, financial or business professionals. I do not offer guarantees or imply warranties regarding the accuracy or outcomes of any information provided. You have free will and are solely responsible for your interpretations, decisions, and actions based on the energies, insights or guidance received.
For insurance purposes, readings and healing are considered entertainment.
Legevakten i Oslo, Trondheimsveien 233. Ved sykdom, ring 116 117. Døgnåpent (kl. 00:00-24:00). Ved fare for liv og helse, ring 113.
Psykiatrisk legevakt, oppmøte Legevakten i Oslo, Trondheimsveien 233. Åpningstider hverdager kl. 16:00-22:00, helger/helligdager kl. 12:00-20:00. Sentralbord: 915 02 770, publikumslinje: 116 117. Ved akuttfare for selvmord, ring 113 umiddelbart.
Psykososial akuttjeneste, akutt hjelp til personer som har opplevd kriser, vold eller er i en vanskelig livssituasjon, inklusiv brå død, selvmord, ulykker og katastrofer. Telefon 23 04 05 00. Ved akuttfare for selvmord, ring 113 umiddelbart.
Overgrepsmottaket for deg som har vært utsatt for voldtekt eller annet seksuelt overgrep. Telefon 23 04 05 00. Ved akuttfare for selvmord, ring 113 umiddelbart.
Diverse hjelpetelefoner mm. Ved akuttfare for selvmord, ring 113 umiddelbart.
Sørengkaia 104
0194 Oslo, Norway
Postal Address:
P.O. Box 3311 Sørenga,
0140 Oslo, Norway
contact (a)
+47-411 50 595
Public Transport:
Bus 85 to Sørenga
Tram 13 or 19 to Bjørvika
Bus 81 to Bjørvika
Walking distance from Oslo S
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